GenerativeComponents Help

Node Geometry tools

The Geometry based tools are used to create basic nodes, such as points, planes, lines, polylines, and coordinate systems. You can place a complex node such as a Polygon, or a B Spline Curve.
To Select
Place a point. Place Point
Place a plane. Place Plane
Place a coordinate system. Place Coordinate System
Create a base coordinate system. Create baseCS
Place a line. Place Line
Place a polyline. Place Polyline
Place a polygon. Place Polygon
Place a B Spline Curve. Place B Spline Curve
Place an Arc Place Arc
Place a Circle. Place Circle
Define a new construction plane. Construction Plane
You can also create a complex node such as B Spline Curve, for example using the ( Show Node Types) and selecting the BSplineCurve node in the Node Types dialog.